Zenshuji is a Sōtō Zen temple dedicated to bringing the 2,500-year-old teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha to America as illuminated by Dōgen Zenji and Keizan Zenji, the Two Founders of Sōtō Zen Buddhism.
Our mission is to offer the ethnically diverse area of greater Los Angeles guidance in Sōtō Zen practice for those interested in satisfying spiritual, intellectual, and social needs.
Zenshuji is located in the heart of Los Angeles in the Little Tokyo/Arts District area. We offer Zen practice for all people in a unique Japanese-style setting.
Please join us. Zenshuji is an oasis of calm in the midst of the fast pace of urban life.
1922年創立以来、九十年以上の歴史がある曹洞宗北米両大本山別 院禅宗寺。禅仏教、道元禅師の教えと共に、法要・冠婚葬祭はもとよ り、節分・お盆祭り・七五三など四季折々の日本の行事、茶道や写経 などの日本文化教室、日系人の社交イベントなど、多岐にわたる活動 ・行事で南カリフォルニア日系社会やダウンタウン・リトルトーキョ ー地域に貢献しています。
2025 Membership Form 年会費書
Miso Making Workshop