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Temple News


Temple News - September 2009


Temple News - August 2009

Temple News - July 2009

Temple News - June 2009


Temple News - May 2009


Busshin  - April 2009

(PDF file, 3.3mb)

Busshin  - February 2009

(PDF file, 4.7mb)





2-4th     Soto Zen Ministers Conference at San Francisco

3rd        Karaoke Night 7:30pm

11th      Rev. Myoshin Lang's Farewell Party

12th      Columbus Day – Temple Closed

13th      Board Meeting 7:30pm

18th      Fujinlkai Meeting 10:00am

              Eitaikyo, Monthly Service & Memorial 11:00am

            Tokuha Fukyo Buddhist Lecture 11:30am

                Hosho-E  2:00pm

24th      Kojinan Zendo 15th Anniversary

25th      S.F. Sokoji 75th Anniversary

           Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  10:00am



1st         Chasen Kuyo  11:00am

7th         Karaoke Night

8th         Shichi-Go-San  11:00am

10th        Board meeting 7:30pm

11th        Veterans Day -Temple Closed

13-22nd   Brazil Trip

26           Thanksgiving - Temple Closed

29           Fujikai Meeting  10:00am

             Monthly Service & Memorial  11:00am

             ROHATSU SESSHIN BEGINS 6:30PM through Dec. 5th



    How long have you known Myoshin John Lang Sensei? Two years? Four years? Longer? No matter how long you've known Myoshin Sensei, he has left a lasting impression. His gentle personality, soft voice, assisting with various activities, and volunteering whenever possible are some of the traits we will miss. The things that we will miss the most are the things he has developed at the temple in his quiet ways such as: (1) a strong Zazenkai teaching the appropriate way to meditate, (2) introducing the English version of Sutra Chanting, (3) providing the members the choice of having the funeral or wedding in English, (4) giving high school and college students the opportunity to visit Zenshuji and understand the philosophy of Buddhism, (5) Busshin editor, (6) audio/visual technician, (7) member/advisor of various committees, and (8) great spiritual leader to many.

      Where is he going? Well, Myoshin Sensei has been given the opportunity to be the resident minister at the Taishoji Temple in Hilo. Hawaii. The request was made from Bishop Komagata of Soto Zen Buddhism Hawaii Office. With the approval of Bishop Akiba and the Board of Directors, Myoshin Sensei went for an interview and a letter of request to transfer was sent to Japan's Shumucho. Even though we will miss Myoshin Sensei's presence very much. we cannot detain him from seeking new experiences and responsibilities as a resident minister at a temple of his own.

      The Board of Directors would like to invite everyone to a 'Mahalo and Good Luck Luncheon' on Sunday, October 11, 2009 at Zenshuji Social Hall. There will be a service at 11:00am where Sensei will give his last sermon, followed by the Luncheon. Donation will be $20.00 which will include the lunch and gift. We hope to see everyone. Please make your reservation at Zenshuji: (213) 624-8658.        Reservation Form


Myoshin Sensei Talks About His Future



      On November 1st at 11am, Zenshuji will again host
Chasen Kuyo. Tickets for seeing the Tea Ceremony
combined with a beautiful Vegetarian Luncheon are
priced at $40.00 per person. For more information
please call Zenshuji at 213-624-8658    
Reservation Form  (Please reserve by 10/26.)


Also see the Tea Ceremony class page for more info.



          A visiting zen monk from Japan, Rev. Tenshin Nakano will give a special Dhama Talk on living Zen in our contemporary life on Sunday, October 18th starting around 11:30 am after Eitaikyo service at 11:00 am.

Title: ‘The Way of Living "Here, Right Now" is Always Being Tested’   Everyone is welcome. Free admission.




      On November 8th, Zenshuji will be having the Shichi Go San service celebrating and blessing the health and well being of 3 & 7 year old girls and 5 year old boys. The service will be at 11am and those wishing to participate should contact the Temple. The cost will be $30.00 per child. Photography will be handled by Toyo Miyatake Studio and should be contacted directly. Reservation Form



      During the week of August 11-15, 2009, Zendeko hosted a Taiko Workshop under the guidance of instructor Rintaro Tateishi. Assisting were veteran members of Zendeko. 17 happy and enthusiastic students were taught the basic skills of taiko playing. At the end of the one week session, the students performed a recital for their parents. The parents were very proud of the accomplishments of the child. Certificates of Participation were given and students asked for future workshops.



      Reverend Sano returned to Japan on August 26, 2009. He had a wonderful experience while at Zenshuji,    He participated with the Tuesday Volunteer group where he learned how valuable it is to have members help maintain the beauty of the temple and mail packets to the members with information. He went to the Los Angeles Buddhist Federation Children's Summer Camp and learned how important it is to involve and keep the interest of the future generation of children. He enjoyed participating in the Annual Obon/Carnival the American way. Zazenkai hosted a lecture by Sano Sensei. He gave a slide show about his training at Eiheiji Monastery in Fukui-ken, Japan. Those who attended found it very interesting and informative. Upon returning from a short trip to Japan to celebrate Obon, he had the opportunity to visit Oakland/San Francisco area. He was very thankful for the time he spent at Zenshuji and the friendship he formed. We thanked him for his service to the temple and congregation.