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Now you can shop at Amazon and donate to Zenshuji at the same

time!   Here is the link to Zenshuji Amazon smile page;


Please follow their instruction there on how to do it.



Metro has been constructing the regional connector for the subway system around Zenshuji. Here is the street closure information for 2020.




FEB:      2nd      Setsubun-E (Bean-Throwing Ceremony)   11:00 am

              11th     Directors’ Meeting   7:30 pm

              16th     Fujinkai Meeting  10 am

                          Hossen-shiki (Dharma combat ceremony)   10 am

                          Nehan-E & Monthly Service & Memorial   11 am

              17th     Presidents’ Day - Temple closed

              23rd     Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  11 am


MAR:       1st     Miso Making Workshop   2 pm

                6th     Casino Night Preparation

                7th     Casino Night & Silent Auction   6 pm

               10th    Board Meeting   7:30 pm

               15th    Fujinkai Meeting  10 am

                          Bake & Craft Sales   10:30 am

                          Higan-E & Monthly Service & Memorial   11 am

               29th    Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  11 am

SETSUBUN - Bean Throwing Ceremony


This service is to celebrate the changing of the Winter Season to the Spring Season.  In the homes, a ‘mame-maki’ or bean throwing ceremony is held to drive out the evil spirits.  The beans are thrown and meant to pierce the devil’s eyes.  


At Zenshuji those born the year of the Chinese Zodiac Animal, which this year is the Rat,  will throw the beans while yelling: “Fuku wa uchi; oni was soto” or “Good Luck enter; devil depart”.  If one eats these roasted beans equal in number to one’s own age, good luck will follow.


Darumas are sold at the Setsubun Service as a symbol of Good Luck.  On the back side a message is written such as Good Family Health, Successful Business, etc. and the Darumas are blessed and taken home.  Come early to purchase and have your Daruma message blessed. Also fund-raiser raffles will follow the service. Raffle tickets are $20.00 donation per book or $2.00 donation per ticket, 10 tickets per book.


1st Prize: $500.00

2nd Prize: $400.00

3rd Prize: $300.00

4th Prize: $200.00

5th Prize: $100.00


You are cordially invited to attend the Setsubun Service at

Zenshuji on Sunday, February 2nd at 11:00 am. We scheduled

the service earlier since last year so people can watch the Super

Bowl in the afternoon. We look forward to your attendance and

taking home some of the bags with mame (beans) that will be

thrown at the service.


If you were born in the year of the Rat and would like to be a

bean thrower on stage, wearing Kamishimo (Japanese

traditional costume) or without, please call the temple at

(213)624-8658. See the letter and the flyer on the right.

(You don’t need to fill in a form anymore.)




We will hold Miso-making workshop on March 1 from 2 pm.

Please fill out the application on right if you would like to participate.




There will be a Dharma combat ceremony at 10 am before Nehan-E service on Feb 16th. The practitioners will ask Zen questions to the leading training monk, Rev. Doshin Diana Johnson. Anyone is welcome to join us if you are interested.



Zenshuji's 13th annual Casino Night and Silent Auction fundraiser will be held Saturday, March 7th, 6 PM to 11 PM.


We need your help with ticket sales, table sponsors, and donations for the silent auction ~ please do what you can.


We are actively looking for donations to the silent auction currently such as new merchandise, services, gift certificates, tickets, etc. Besides new items, antiques that can be appraised are gladly accepted.


Casino Night Festivities:

The night's festivities include a dinner buffet, entertainment, drink tickets, raffle tickets, gambling chips to play casino games, and the chance to bid on silent auction items.


Tickets: $30 donation (pre-sale - available at the temple),

$35 donation (at the door)   You can buy the tickets from any

Board Members or the ministers.


Please use the donation/ticket form on the right.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the

temple.   Thank you in advance for you support!
