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JAN:      1st       Shusho-E   10 am

              2 - 4    Temple closed

              8th       Board Meeting   7:30 pm

              13th    100th Anniversary Committee Meeting   10 am

              20th    Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  11 am

              21st    Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Temple closed

              27th    Monthly Service & Memorial   10 am

                          Annual Temple Members General Meeting   11 am

                          New Year’s Party   12:30 pm


FEB:       3rd      Setsubun-E (Bean-Throwing Ceremony)   11:00 am

              12th     Directors’ Meeting   7:30 pm

              17th     Fujinkai Meeting  10 am

                          Nehan-E & Monthly Service & Memorial   11 am

              18th     Presidents’ Day - Temple closed

              24th     Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  11 am



Now you can shop at Amazon and donate to Zenshuji at the same

time!   Here is the link to Zenshuji Amazon smile page;


Please follow their instruction there on how to do it.

Happy New Year!  Welcome 2019!  


I would like to extend a Happy New Year to all members and friends, and hope that 2019, the Year of the Pig, will be a healthy and prosperous one for all. In 2019 we can look forward to Zenshuji hosting the Soto Zen Conference in October where members from the Mainland and Hawaii will meet to discuss current issues and future growth of Soto Zen Buddhism.  We are also starting work on the commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Zenshuji and Soto Zen in North America which well celebrate in 2022.  


Now more than ever I feel that the teaching of the temple and the Soto Zen Buddhism should be shared with all.  We experienced great suffering with wars, terrorism and even tragic incidents within the United States.  Buddhism teaches us the impermanence of life. It signifies that nothing is certain or lasts permanently in this world.  Buddhism also never teaches us to live pessimistically but to value “the now,” each moment of our life.  Our temple and our teachers work tirelessly to share this understanding so please take every opportunity to join us at the temple.


I would like to close with a quote attributable to the great Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama that “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”  Let us embrace the new year, and everyone we meet with compassion.  I look forward to seeing you at the temple.


In Gassho,


Howard Miyoshi

Zenshuji President



You are cordially invited to the Temple Members’ General Meeting (11:00 am) and New Year’s Party (12:30 pm) on Sunday, January 27, 2019.  We have changed the time to lunch time this year instead of the late afternoon in the past, so people can drive home in day time. We will have elections for the Board members,  financial reports from the various organizations, reports of new activities, the budget, and question/answer periods.

We look forward to seeing you there.  Please look out for New Year’s Party invitation and Bento lunch order form in the mail in early January.

SETSUBUN - Bean Throwing Ceremony


This service is to celebrate the changing of the Winter Season to the Spring Season.  In the homes, a ‘mame-maki’ or bean throwing ceremony is held to drive out the evil spirits.  The beans are thrown and meant to pierce the devil’s eyes.  


At Zenshuji those born the year of the Chinese Zodiac Animal, which this year is the Boar,  will throw the beans while yelling: “Fuku wa uchi; oni was soto” or “Good Luck enter; devil depart”.  If one eats these roasted beans equal in number to one’s own age, good luck will follow.


Darumas are sold at the Setsubun Service as a symbol of Good Luck.  On the back side a message is written such as Good Family Health, Successful Business, etc. and the Darumas are blessed and taken home.  Come early to purchase and have your Daruma message blessed. Also fund-raiser raffles will follow the service. Raffle tickets are $20.00 donation per book or $2.00 donation per ticket, 10 tickets per book.


1st Prize: $500.00

2nd Prize: $400.00

3rd Prize: $300.00

4th Prize: $200.00

5th Prize: $100.00


You are cordially invited to attend the Setsubun Service at

Zenshuji on Sunday, February 3rd at 11:00 am. We scheduled

the service earlier this year so people can watch the Super Bowl

in the afternoon. We look forward to your attendance and taking

home some of the bags with mame (beans) that will be thrown

at the service.


APPLICATION To Be the Bean-Thrower  年男年女豆撒き申込書  
