Zenshuji Sutra book was initiated by Former Bishop Daigaku Rumme, who felt a need to publish our very own book filled with sutras typically chanted here at Zenshuji during memorial/Sunday service and daily service and includes the meal verses as well as other significant Mahayanan sutras. The sutras are written in English, Roma-ji and Japanese. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the committee members, our sutra book project has finally come to fruition. It was a labor of love and commitment on the part of everyone involved. Thank you to Rev. Rumme, Kojima Sensei, Toho Sensei, Julie Iwamoto, Atsuko Kubota and Sunil Vernekar.
The books are available for use in the Hondo and also for sale to individuals who would like their very own copy. They are hard bound and will sell for $25.00 each. For those who cannot pick up a copy from the Temple, we will be happy to sell by mail order. which will include a shipping fee of $5. Mail Order Form here.
- English side -
- Japanese side -