Copyright © 2001 - 2015  Zenshuji Soto Mission. All rights reserved.

Temple News


Temple News - Nov. 2010

Temple News - Oct. 2010

Temple News - Sep. 2010

Temple News - August 2010

Temple News - July 2010

Temple News - June 2010

Temple News - May 2010

Temple News - Apr. 2010

Temple News - Mar. 2010

Temple News - Feb. 2010

Temple News - Jan. 2010

Temple News - Dec. 2009

Temple News - Nov. 2009

Temple News - Oct. 2009

Temple News - Sep. 2009


Temple News - August 2009

Temple News - July 2009

Temple News - June 2009


Temple News - May 2009


Busshin  - April 2009

(PDF file, 3.3mb)

Busshin  - February 2009

(PDF file, 4.7mb)



      Zenshuji Soto Mission needs many volunteers to help with our annual Mochitsuki rice pounding event. Every year Zenshuji endeavours to make about 1000 pounds of mochi for it's members and the community at large. This event has become a fun and rewarding cultural activity for anyone who wishes to participate. We especially need volunteers in the early morning. All are welcome!!!!

       Start time for Mochitsuki is 7am on Dec. 19th until all the rice is pounded! We even have a childrens pounding time at 10am; Coffee, tea, donuts and lunch will be served to our valued volunteers! Start time for Mochigome Washing is 8am on Dec. 18th and usually only takes the morning to complete. For more information or directions please call: 213-624-8658.


O-MOCHI ORDER FORM  お餅申し込みのご案内

   Pounding Mochi or mochitsuki and eating the delicious mochi in the New Year is a Japanese tradition which goes back to the beginning of Japanese history. A special sweet rice is washed, cooked and pounded in a large mortar with a heavy wooden mallet and formed into rounded rice cakes. Traditionally, mochi was only eaten on special occasions. Kagami-Mochi or Okasane-Mochi are larger mochi which decorate each Japanese home during the New Year as a symbol of good luck. It is said to bring good luck, health and a long life. Hand made mochi is a tradition at Zenshuji, please join us in this wonderful and interesting tradition.                  

Mochi Order Form is here (Please mail the order form by Dec. 13th with your check.)


ご意見箱  -  あなたにとって禅宗寺とは? 皆様のお声をお聞かせ下さい

Zenshuji is dedicated to serving our members and the community, as well as the ongoing improvement of events and activities, clubs and organizations, facilities and services offered. Let your voice be heard! Your input is crucial in shaping the mission statement and organization description that the Board of Directors will present at the General Board Meeting on Sunday January 30th, 2011.


What does Zenshuji mean to you? What existing activities do you enjoy? What new activities would like to see? How can we fulfill your spiritual and cultural needs better? Do you have other comments or suggestions?


Please fill out a suggestion form;  ENGLISH FORM(.pdf)     ENGLISH FORM (.doc)

JAPANESE FORM 日本語ご意見用紙(.pdf)     JAPANESE FORM 日本語ご意見用紙(.doc)

and email to   or mail it to the temple, or drop it in the suggestion box at the temple. Thank you very much for your participation.


The big double doors by the office have been replaced.  The old worn out doors are gone.  The committee pick a dark shade of purple for the color and it looks beautiful.  The next time you visit the Temple, please admire the doors.  Thanks to Atsuko Kubota and Andrew Wolff for providing the committee with the variation of color samples.    Soon the Nikko building will have their doors painted and the beautification of the Temple has begun.  


Bishop Daigaku and Zazenkai sponsored a recent meditation and lecture session, entitled ‘The Essence of Zen’.   From the fee donation, the group has decided to donate $1,00.00 to the Management/Maintenance Fund.   The Thursday night sessions have been successful with people who have interest in expanding their knowledge of Buddhism.  Please look for more information next year for the next lecture session.   Thank you Bishop Daigaku and Zazenkai for your generous donation!  Please be on the look out for the next session of meditation/lecture session to be held early 2011.   


This brings the fund raising total to $4,000.00.   The Goal is $10,000.00 for the first year ending in July, 2011 and another $10,000.00 by the end of July, 2012.    By the 90th Anniversary in mid 2012, we should have beautified the Temple with many major projects completed.   Please look for more information on how you can help contribute to the fund raising at the beginning of 2011.


DECEMBER:     Nov.28th-Dec 4th   Rohatsu Sesshin (one week concentrated zen sittings
                                                     practice period)

                             5th        Jodo-E, Monthly Service & Memorial 11am

                             12th      Garden Cleaning and Omigaki  9am

                                           Goeika Osame

                             14th      Director’s meeting 7:30pm

                             18th      Mochigome Washing   8am

                             19th      Mochitsuki 7am

                             25th      Christmas day - temple closed

                             31st       Year-End Service 4pm


JANUARY:          1st     Shusyo-E 10am

                            2nd, 3rd, 4th   - Temple Closed

                            9th      One Day Zazen Sitting 7:10am-5pm

                            17th    Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Temple Closed

                            23rd    Dr Kato’s Buddhism Lecture (Japanese) 10am

                            30th     Fujinkai Meeting  1pm

                                        Monthly Service & Memorial 2pm

                                        Members General Meeting  3pm

                                        New Year’s Party 5pm



All organizations affiliated with Zenshuji is welcomed to write articles for the Busshin.  Let us know what is happening in your organization.  Have your secretary e-mail or write the article and give it to Rev. Kojima or Carolyn Hashiba.  We will also be glad to help you write your article.   Advertise upcoming events, write about events that have happened, write monthly about a member in your organization, etc.  Many things are happening in the different organizations and we would like to hear about it.


     Rohatsu Sesshin is soon to be here once again. This annual one week-long zazen sittings will start on November 28th and go through December 4th. Sitting will start at 6am and go throughout the day until 8pm. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served for those who can stay. Please join in for whatever time you can. The sesshin culminates on the last day, Saturday, where we sit until midnight and have a short service in the Hondo. Hope to see you there!!!
