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Below schedule is subject to change due to the health department regulations.


OCT:      11th    Columbus Day - Temple closed

              12th    Board Meeting

              17th    Eitaikyo, Monthly Service & Memorial   11 am   Facebook Live


NOV:      9th    Board Meeting   6:30 pm

              11th    Veteran’s Day - Temple closed

              14th    Shichi Go San 753 Children’s Service   11 am & 2 pm

              21st   Monthly Service & Memorial   11 am    Facebook Live

              25th    Thanksgiving Day - Temple closed

              28th to Dec 4th   Rohatsu Sesshin    All day


Please NOTE: NOKOTSUDO will be closed from June to September this year due to renovation.



Are you good at Origami? Help us make paper cranes for our 100th Anniversary! Please see the flyer on the right for more information.


Higan-E Service



Higan-E service was held on September 21st in person and

online. Here is the video which was live-streamed on Facebook




Zenshuji Temple’s celebration for children’s Shichi-Go-San (7-5-3 years old) will be held on Sunday, November 14th at 11:00 am AND 2 pm.  You can pick either time to register.


Usually girls of 7 years, boys of 5 years and boys and girls of 3 years old go to the local shrine to express gratitude to the Gods for their growth and continued blessings.  The children dress in colorful traditional kimono as they enter the shrine.  If Western attire is worn, the children dress up in party dresses and suits. The children are given candy called “chitoseame” (thousand year candy) to promise them long life.  We order these candies from Japan.  


To Register, please call the temple and register with the ministers at Zenshuji.


Also you can ask Ms. Akutagawa for kimono rental and/or dressing. Please call her for pricing and detail at 805-404-7635.



Dear Members and Friends of Zenshuji Soto Mission,


It’s been a difficult and challenging past year but we are looking forward to the future with some normalcy, positive attitude and bright outlook to the future. We are elated to notify you of the celebration of Zenshuji’s 100th Anniversary in the fall of next year 2022. This letter is to announce the commencement of the 100th Anniversary capital campaign. Our goal is to reach $100,000 by August, 2022. Doing so will allow us to start and complete some of the major projects that will enable us to better serve our members and friends.


Zenshuji is grateful for your support and monetary donation at any time. We have received donations from Zenshuji members, clubs, organizations, and affiliations toward our goal. We thank you for helping us begin the road toward these special projects related to Wheelchair Access Ramp Relocation, Nokotsudo Expansion and other projects and events.


Zenshuji Soto Mission is a non-profit organization as described in 501(c)(3) of the federal income tax law. Donations may be made in lump sum, spread out in increments, or in one’s will or trust. Enclosed is a pledge form and stamped envelope for your convenience.


On behalf of the Board of Directors and Priests, we would like to express our sincerest appreciation and gratitude for your dedication and commitment to Zenshuji. Like during the 90th Anniversary we will reach the 100th Anniversary Goal together and “GAMBARIMASHO!”


In Gassho,


Atsuko Kubota

100th Anniversary Committee Chair


Carolyn Abe Hashiba

Board of Directors Chair


Howard Miyoshi



Rev. Shumyo Kojima

Head Priest


100th Anniversary Fund Campaign