As you already know, a massive earthquake has hit the Tohoku district of northeastern Japan. That earthquake generated large tsunami which has caused untold damage to many towns in the area. The situation is tragic. According to news reports, thousands have lost their lives and the number is still increasing. A number of Sotoshu temples in the area were also destroyed.
There has been an outpouring of grief and sympathy for those who are suffering there. Many people have contacted us at the Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office asking how they can contribute money for disaster relief to help in the recovery. We will collect relief funds at our office and take them to Japan. If you and your temple or center wish to help with this, please send or bring a check to our office payable to “Association of Soto Zen Buddhists” by May 15th, 2011. Please write on the check that it is specifically for “Japan Earthquake Relief.”
Thank you for your consideration. In Gassho,
Rev. Daigaku Rummé, Director
Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office, 123 S. Hewitt St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
曹洞宗ではこの度の東日本大震災に対しての義援金ファンドを開設しました。北アメリカ布教総監部を受け皿にして曹洞宗で 日本を含めた各国からの義援金を受け付けています。集められた義援金は全額を被災地域にある曹洞宗寺院を中心に災害復興 に役立てるよう計画されています。
小切手の宛先は「Association of Soto Zen Buddhists」とし、Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office, 123 S. Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA 9012 へ郵送していただくか、禅宗寺へ直接御届けください。また小切手には「義援金」と明記してください。領収書が必要な方は その旨御知らせください。後ほど郵送いたします。
また、サンフランシスコ桑港寺の国際布教師、舘寺規弘師のお寺、津龍院(宮城県歌津町)が津波のため甚大な被害を受けま した。町そのものが壊滅的被害状況にある模様です。幸いご両親の無事は確認されました。禅宗寺では上記の義援金とは別に 「Shinryuin Relief Fund」を設け「お見舞金」を募集します。ご支援頂ける方は「Zenshuji」あてに小切手を御作りください。ご 協力大変ありがとうございます。
GREAT TOHOKU EARTHQUAKE: A Memorial Ceremony for the Deceased and a Prayer for a Quick Recovery from the Disaster
At Zenshuji on March 20th, we performed a memorial ceremony that was both a memorial service for those who lost their lives in the disaster as well as a prayer service for the missing persons in hope that they were brought home and for a speedy recovery from the disaster.
The etymology of “Karuna”, the original word for “great compassion” which is at the heart of Buddhism, is “to tremble together.” For those of us far away from the disaster, it may seem as if we can do very little to help. Nevertheless, to generate the greatest support for this disaster, let us express our empathy for the great suffering in Japan by quietly praying with deep feeling.
東日本大震災 物故者慰霊並びに早期災害復旧祈願 法要
APRIL: 3rd Pancake Breakfast 8:30-10:50am
Zenshuji Hanamatsuri 11am
We are getting ready for another “Study Group” which will be held on Thursday evenings, 7:30- 8:50 p.m., from April 21st through June 16th. (no class on May 19th.) We will continue reading The Essence of Zen by Sekkei Harada Roshi, starting where we left off at the end of the first group (p. 36). This is the kind of book that can be opened at any section to begin the study, so all people interested in Zen and Zen practice are welcome to attend. There is no need to worry that you have missed something in the first Study Group. Each class also includes 30 minutes of zazen meditation. This class series is open to people of all faiths. Please tell your friends and colleagues. The suggested donation for the eight classes is $40 ($15 for temple members). Please contact webmaster@zenshuji.org or call 213-617-0100 if you wish to attend.
禅宗寺ではこの災害で御亡くなりになられた方々への追悼と、行方不明者が一人でも多く生 還される事、ならびに速やかな災害復旧などを願い、去る三月二十日に法要を営みました。 未だ被害の全容は明らかではありませんが、亡くなった方々のご冥福を祈ると共に、現在不 都合な生活を強いられている方々が1日も早く元の平穏な生活に戻られることを願ってやみ ません。仏教の心、「大悲心」の原語「カルナー」はもともと「ともにふるえる」という意 味だったといわれます。被災地から遠く離れて何もできない私たちですが、最大の支援を寄 せるためにも、苦しみを共感し、深く気持ちを静め整えて祷りましょう。
President’s Message - Howard Miyoshi
It is with great humility and honor that I accept the position as President of the Zenshuji Kyodan. As most may know, I grew up in the temple and I always consider the temple my home. I hope you also share this understanding. The concept of “My Temple, My Home” will be crucial for the present operation of the temple as well as for the future of the institution. Zenshuji has diverse members and each has a home and an important role in the Sangha.
For the established Zen Practitioners as you deepen your practice please look to expand your involvement and experience beyond the zendo, I am sure you will find it as enlightening as your practice. For the new Zen Practitioners or those interested in Buddhism, welcome and feel free to ask questions and get involved, the Zen mind is a Beginner’s mind. For those members with a long history with the temple, you understand the importance of the temple and the teachings, let’s share that with the next generation and make the temple a better home. For those with interest in Japanese culture and customs, Zen and Buddhism is the
basis of what the deep traditions are based on, let’s learn together. For those with family ties to the temple, welcome home! Your history is an important part of Zenshuji and we can build on the future together. For those with families of mixed faiths or that are non-Buddhists, Welcome! Find out how we share many beliefs, how Zen Buddhism can enhance your faith and how Buddhists have co-existed with many faiths for centuries.
The above is only a sampling and I hope you see the many possibilities and opportunities that Zenshuji offers. I endeavor to work with our dynamic board, our Sokan and ministers to build a better Sangha and temple. The rich history that Zenshuji has is a great treasure and the institution is available to all due to its past leaders both from the membership and in the ministry. I especially want to thank Ms. Carolyn Hashiba who diligently fulfilled the duties as President and will continue to lead as Chairman of the Board. With your help, the Buddha's teaching and guidance from our ministers I hope to continue the tradition. - In Gassho