We are still accepting the relief fund for the great Tohoku/Kanto earthquake hit in Japan. Please send or bring a check to our office payable to “Association of Soto Zen Buddhists”. Please write on the check that it is specifically for “Japan Earthquake Relief.”
Mailing Address:
Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office, 123 S. Hewitt St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Thank you for your consideration. In Gassho,
曹洞宗ではこの度の東日本大震災に対しての義援金ファンドを開設しました。北アメリカ布教総監部を受け皿にして曹洞宗で 日本を含めた各国からの義援金を受け付けています。集められた義援金は全額を被災地域にある曹洞宗寺院を中心に災害復興 に役立てるよう計画されています。小切手の宛先は「Association of Soto Zen Buddhists」とし、Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office, 123 S. Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA 9012 へ郵送していただくか、禅宗寺へ直接御届けください。また小切手には「義援金」と明記してください。ご協力大変ありがと うございます。
On Sunday, June 19th, we will have a very special ceremony at Zenshuji. It will take place at 10:00 am. The ceremony is called a “Hossenshiki” (in Japanese) or “Shuso Ceremony” (in English). This ceremony will feature a Dharma inquiry, in which Rev. Kozen Holt (a Soto priest from the Seattle area) will answer questions from other priests. It is a rite of passage for him and one that every Soto priest is supposed to complete. The ceremony will also mark the first time that Bishop Daigaku is eligible to “wear the red robe”, a rite of passage for him and one that every Soto priest hopes to complete at some time. You are all heartily invited to attend the ceremony and join us for the luncheon that will follow the usual Memorial Service for June. It would be great to have as many of you here as possible on that day.
The Zazenkai is delighted to announce that we will be having One Day sitting, “A Day of Zazen” almost every month this year. In June on the 12th, in July on the 24th, 7:10am to 4:40 pm. It will include 8 periods of zazen, a Dharma talk by Daigaku Sokan, breakfast, lunch, and so on. Please see the flyer for the schedule. If you are planning to attend, please email webmaster@zenshuji.org. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Obon Carnival is around the corner and we need everyone’s help. Please join us and give us your support. Important dates to remember are: JUNE 26: Chochin Hanging; JULY 3: Container Clean up; JULY 7: Booth Construction; JULY 8: Carnival Preparation; JULY 9 & 10: Obon Carnival; JULY 12: Clean UP. Mark your calendar or red circle the dates on our calendar!
It’s that time of year again for the annual Zenshuji Obon on July 9-10…and also time to clean out your closets and bring all your extra items to the temple to be sold in the White Elephant booth. We appreciate your donations of clothing, but at this time we’re requesting any salable items, other than clothing. Please bring your items to the temple to the attention of Mrs. Kay SooHoo or Reverend Kojima.
A DAY OF ZAZEN: One Day of Sitting Meditation
We have a new flyer for this year’s Obon. Please help distribute the flyer in your neighbourhood. You can pick up the printed copies at the temple or please print it out using your printer. (click the flyer thumbnail above.)
For further information on Obon, please contact Zenshuji (213)624-8658.
The summer camp is an annual event that has been going on more than 50 years. At the camp, children from temples in Southern California are able to experience activities in archery, crafts, outdoors, religious, swimming and other enjoyable activities. Every morning, a service is conducted by ministers from the participating temples.
Registration fees include lodging, meals and transportation for the camp session. $275 for each of the first 2 children from a single family $225 per child for children in excess of 2 from a single family.
Soto Zen Buddhism International Symposium
From October 4-6, the Soto Zen Buddhism International Symposium will be held in Japan at Chokokuji, Tokyo Branch Temple of Diahozan Eiheiji. More than 600 Zen priests from around the world will be in attendance. Ceremony, lecture and various discussions are on the itinerary. Since this is a special event, there is a very reasonable package price which includes hotel/lodging, meals, and registration (does not include flight or transportation). COST : 15,000 yen ( includes: 3night accommodation and meal) If you are interested in attending, please contact Bishop Rumme at Zenshuji (213)624-8658.
July 9th, Saturday
1:30 pm Obon Service (at the main hall)
2:45 Hawaiian Dance - Nawahine
3:00 Karaoke & Talent Show
4:00 Martial Arts - Hollywood Entertain-
ment Academy
4:30 Folk Dance - Kikuta-kai
5:00 Folk & Rock Music - Ramen Tree
5:30 Music - Hollywood Entertain-
ment Academy
6:00 Bon Odori
6:30 Rock Music - Random Ninja
July 10th, Sunday
1:30 pm Obon Service (at the main hall)
2:45 Dance & Chanting - Rev. Akiba &
Mrs. Akiba
3:00 Silver Line Dance - Hollenbeck
Palms Retirement Homes
3:30 Japanese Classical Dance -
Bando Mitsuhiro
4:00 Taiko & Dance - Terakoya
4:15 Folk Dance - Tokushima Awa Odori
4:30 Martial Art - Shorinji Kempo
5:00 Rock Music - Random Ninja
6:15 Raffle Drawing
6:30 Bon Odori
OBON Parking
(click to enlarge)