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Temple News


Temple News - July 2011

Temple News - Jun 2011

Temple News - May 2011

Temple News - Apr. 2011

Temple News - Mar. 2011

Temple News - Feb. 2011

Temple News - Jan. 2011

Temple News - Dec. 2010

Temple News - Nov. 2010

Temple News - Oct. 2010

Temple News - Sep. 2010

Temple News - August 2010

Temple News - July 2010

Temple News - June 2010

Temple News - May 2010

Temple News - Apr. 2010

Temple News - Mar. 2010

Temple News - Feb. 2010

Temple News - Jan. 2010

Temple News - Dec. 2009

Temple News - Nov. 2009

Temple News - Oct. 2009


Temple News - Sep. 2009


Temple News - August 2009

Temple News - July 2009

Temple News - June 2009


Temple News - May 2009


Busshin  - April 2009

(PDF file, 3.3mb)

Busshin  - February 2009

(PDF file, 4.7mb)


We are still accepting the relief fund for the great Tohoku/Kanto earthquake hit in Japan.  Please send or bring a check to our office payable to “Association of Soto Zen Buddhists”. Please write on the check that it is specifically for “Japan Earthquake Relief.”

Mailing Address:

Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office, 123 S. Hewitt St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

Thank you for your consideration.   In Gassho,



曹洞宗ではこの度の東日本大震災に対しての義援金ファンドを開設しました。北アメリカ布教総監部を受け皿にして曹洞宗で 日本を含めた各国からの義援金を受け付けています。集められた義援金は全額を被災地域にある曹洞宗寺院を中心に災害復興 に役立てるよう計画されています。小切手の宛先は「Association of Soto Zen Buddhists」とし、Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office, 123 S. Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA 9012 へ郵送していただくか、禅宗寺へ直接御届けください。また小切手には「義援金」と明記してください。ご協力大変ありがと うございます。



AUG:       6th - 13th LABCC Summer Camp

                 7th      Dr. Kato’s Japanese Special Buddhism Lecture 10am

                 21st      Fujinkai Meeting  10:00am

                               Jizo-Bon & Monthly Service & Memorial  11am

                               Daruma-kai Luncheon 12noon

                  28th     A  Day of Zazen: One Day Sitting 7am-5pm


SEP:          5th        Labor Day - temple closed

                  7-9th    Soto Zen Ministers Conference at Zenshuji         

                   11th      Garden Cleaning   9am

                  18th      Fujinkai Meeting  10:00am

                                Higan-E & Monthly Service & Memorial  11am

                                Keiro-kai Luncheon   12noon

                  24th      Project MOMOTARO - Children’s storytelling  1pm

                  25th      A  Day of Zazen: One Day of Sitting Meditation   7am


5 classes – Thursday evening, July 21st, 28th, Aug 4th, 11th & 18th

From 7:30 to 8:45 p.m


This class series provides an introduction to Zen meditation for

beginners. It is open to people of all faiths.  The classes include a

presentation of the basic principles of Zen and zazen meditation,

and discussions of how to practice Zen in daily life – that is, how
to find inner peace anytime, anywhere. Each class includes zazen
meditation, beginning with 10 minutes during the first class, and
working up to 30 minutes at the end of the series. The classes

are led by Bishop Daigaku Rummé, a Zen priest in the Soto Zen
tradition, who is the head priest of Zenshuji and director of the Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office. Cost: $70 for the series ($35 for temple members). Register by calling Zenshuji (213) 617-0100 or by email to Payment may be made at the first class. Scholarships are also available. No one is turned away for lack of funds.

The next One Day Sitting, “A Day of Zazen” will be on the 28th in August, 25th in September, 30th in October, from 7:10am to 4:40 pm. It will include 8 periods of zazen, a Dharma talk by Daigaku Sokan, breakfast, lunch, and so on. Please see the flyer for the schedule. If you are planning to attend, please email We look forward to seeing you all there.

Thank you for your participation in the 2011 Obon Carnival.  Under the guidance of Rev. Kojima, our co-chairman of Sunil Vernekar and Kevin Hudnell, did a wonderful job of organizing and implementing the Obon Carnival.   We would like to thank all the volunteers who spent many hours getting their booths ready for the enjoyment of the community.


A DAY OF ZAZEN: One Day of Sitting Meditation



Grateful Crane Ensemble will present PROJECT MOMOTARO.   It is a live musical with Japanese Children songs.  They will perform 3 classic Japanese Children Stories: (1) The Tortoise & the Hare, (2) Tanabata, and (3) Momotaro: Peach Boy.   SAVE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,2011 @ 1:00pm @ ZENSHUJI SOTO MISSION.  We look forward to seeing the entire family for an afternoon of fun.  ADMISSION IS FREE.    Thank you Mr. Frank Kawana of Yamasa Enterprises for your generous support to this Project Momotaro and giving Zenshuji the opportunity to host this event.  


SOTO ZEN Buddhism International Symposium


From October 4-6, the Soto Zen Buddhism International Symposium will be held in Japan at Chokokuji, Tokyo Branch Temple of Diahozan Eiheiji. More than 600 Zen priests from around the world will be in attendance. Ceremony, lecture and various discussions are on the itinerary. Since this is a special event, there is a very reasonable package price which includes hotel/lodging, meals, and registration (does not include flight or transportation).    COST : 15,000 yen ( includes: 3night accommodation and meal) If you are interested in attending, please contact Bishop Rumme at Zenshuji (213)624-8658.
