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JAN:     1st       Shusho-E (New Year’s Service) 10am

              2, 3 & 4   - temple closed

             12th     Board Meeting    7:30pm

             18th     M.L.King Jr. Birthday - temple closed

             24th    Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  10am

             30th    Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in English  11am

             31st    Fujinkai Meeting  1pm

                         Monthly Service & Memorial   2pm

                         Annual Temple Members General Meeting 3pm

                         New Year’s Party  5pm


FEB:     7th      Setsubun-E 1:30p

              9th      Directors’ Meeting   7:30pm

             15th     President’s Day - temple closed

              21st    Fujinkai Meeting  10am

                          Nehan-E, Monthly Service & Memorial   11 am

              27th     Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in English  11am

              28th     Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese  10am

1ST STREET CONSTRUCTION from Oct 24th for 10 weeks


There is a street construction taking place at First Street between Alameda and Hewitt for 10 weeks starting October 24th. The use of the section will be limited. Please see the announcement HERE for more information.



It’s that time of the year when we celebrate one holiday after another and before we know it, we are saying where did the year go?   We are now celebrating the year of 2016 and the Chinese Zodiac Animal of the Monkey.    New Year is the time when families get together and renew family ties, we find Bachan spending hours preparing the Osechi Ryori (Japanese traditional New Year Meal), wearing new clothes, cleaning the house, and playing cards with the relatives.


On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to wish you and your families a “Happy New Year – Akemashite Omedeto”!   We would like to express our sincerest appreciation for your devotion, dedication and hard work to keep Zenshuji as your place of worship.  The Board has worked hard to continue with the Buddhist traditions and provide you with a place to worship, attend various monthly services and provide you with services to honor your deceased ancestors.   But without the members, families and friends, we would not be able to continue with the activities you look forward to each month.  Without your support, we could not have a wonderful and successful year!  We look forward to your continued help and support.


May 2016 be inspirational, with good health, prosperous and with stronger families ties.  We will see you again each month at the monthly services.  


In Gassho,  

Carolyn Abe Hashiba and Board Directors



You are cordially invited to the General Meeting (3:00pm) and New Year’s Party (5:00pm) Sunday, January 31, 2016.  We will have elections for Board Members,  financial reports from the various organizations, reports of new activities, and question/answer period.

We look forward to seeing you.  Please look out for New Year Party invitation and Bento order form  in the mail in early January.



Congratulations to those born in the Year of 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, and 1932.  You are born in the Chinese Lunar Calendar of 12 animal zodiac signs and this year is the Year of the Monkey.  The Monkey is the 9th animal in the cycle after last year’s Sheep which is the 8th animal of the cycle.  The Asian countries will celebrate the Lunar New Year on February 8th, 2016.  The Japanese have decided to celebrate their New Year with the Western World on January 1st of the Calendar.   


If you are a Monkey, your characteristic is as follows: smart, wily (out witty), naughty, and vigilant.  Does this fit the characteristics of the person you know who was born in the Year of the Monkey?  Don’t forget that the members born the Year of the Monkey are invited to sign up for the Setsubun Service and participate in the Mamemaki (bean  throwing) portion of the service.      Here is the Application for the Monkey-Year Bean Thrower.





This service is to celebrate the changing of the Winter Season to the Spring Season.  In the homes, a ‘mame-maki’ or bean throwing ceremony is held to drive out the evil spirits.  The beans are thrown and meant to pierce the devil’s eyes.  


At Zenshuji those born the year of the Chinese Zodiac Animal, which this year is the Monkey,  will throw the beans while yelling: “Fuku wa uchi; oni was soto” or “Good Luck enter; devil depart”.  If one eats these roasted beans equal in number to one’s own age, good luck will follow.     Here is the Application for the Monkey-Year Bean Thrower.


Darumas are sold at the Setsubun Service as a symbol of Good Luck.  On the back side a message is written such as Good Family Health, Successful Business, etc. and the Darumas are blessed and taken home.  Come early to purchase and have your Daruma message blessed.


You are cordially invited to attend the Setsubun Service at Zenshuji on Sunday, February 7th at 1:30pm.  We look forward to your attendance and taking home some of the bags with mame(beans) that will be thrown at the service.