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Temple News


Temple News - Feb. 2012

Temple News - Jan. 2012

Temple News - Dec. 2011

Temple News - Nov. 2011

Temple News - Oct. 2011

Temple News - Sep. 2011

Temple News - Aug. 2011

Temple News - July 2011

Temple News - Jun 2011

Temple News - May 2011

Temple News - Apr. 2011

Temple News - Mar. 2011

Temple News - Feb. 2011

Temple News - Jan. 2011

Temple News - Dec. 2010

Temple News - Nov. 2010

Temple News - Oct. 2010

Temple News - Sep. 2010

Temple News - August 2010

Temple News - July 2010

Temple News - June 2010

Temple News - May 2010

Temple News - Apr. 2010

Temple News - Mar. 2010

Temple News - Feb. 2010

Temple News - Jan. 2010

Temple News - Dec. 2009

Temple News - Nov. 2009

Temple News - Oct. 2009


Temple News - Sep. 2009


Temple News - August 2009

Temple News - July 2009

Temple News - June 2009


Temple News - May 2009


Busshin  - April 2009

(PDF file, 3.3mb)

Busshin  - February 2009

(PDF file, 4.7mb)



MAR:              2nd    Casino Night Preparation

                       3rd    Casino Night   5:30pm

                       4th     Casino Night clean-up

                       9-11th   8th US Hawaii Soto-Zen Members Conference in Hawaii

                       18th    Fujinkai Meeting  10am

                                   Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese 10am                                  

                                   Higan-E, Monthly Service & Memorial  11am

                                   Daruma-Kai 12pm

                       23rd    LABCF Golf Tournament

                       25th    A Day of Zazen: One Day of Sitting Meditation   7:10am


APR:               8th   Pancake Breakfast 8:30am

                                Zenshuji Hanamatsuri  11am

                                LABCF Hanamatsuri at JACCC   1pm

                                 - Lecture on “Providing for the Future Through our Children by Reverend
                                   Chosen Bays of Great Vow Zen Monastery of Oregon. She is both a
                                   pediatrician and published Zen teacher, followed by Project Momotaro’s
                                   performance of Japanese storytelling for children

                          15th  Fujinkai Meeting  10am                                 

                                    Monthly Service & Memorial  11am

                                   Daruma-Kai 12pm

                         22nd A Day of Zazen: One Day of Sitting Meditation   7:10am

                                   Dr. Kato’s Buddhism Lecture in Japanese 10am

                          28th  Manazanar Pilgrimage Event /Service at Manzanar

                         29th  SOZENJI’S 40th Anniversary  8am

                                    - Followed by luncheon at The Quiet Cannon in Montebello.

                                      ($35 per person –  for more details, contact Reverend Kojima)

‘Essence of Zen’ STUDY GROUP


The next Study Group will begin on Thursday, April19th from 7:30pm to 8:50 pm. We plan to meet for a total of seven times, ending on June 7th. This group is a continuation of the previous Study Group. We will continue reading in The Essence of  Zen. It is perfectly acceptable to join this group even if you were not part of the previous group.  The Essence of Zen is a book that we can open any section and we will immediately be in touch with the important points of Zen practice. We will sit in zazen for the last 30 minutes of each class. The cost is $15 for temple members and $40 for non-temple members. We look forward to seeing you there. If you wish to attend, please email

A DAY OF ZAZEN: One Day of Sitting Meditation


The Zazenkai is delighted to announce that we will be having One Day sitting, “A Day of Zazen” almost every month this year also. In January, it will be on the 8th, in February on the 26th, March 25th, April 22nd and so on. It will be from 7:10am to 4:40 pm, include 8 periods of zazen, a Dharma talk by Daigaku Sokan, breakfast, lunch and a question period. Please see the flyer for the detailed schedule. Please email if you are planning to attend.


HANAMATSURI & Pancake Breakfast


Hanamatsuri  (Celebration of Buddha’s Birthday) is April 8th.  Since April 8th lands on a Sunday, we will have a very busy day.  Zenshuji will host  its service at 11:00am followed by the Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation Hanamatsuri at 1:00pm.   Our Hanamido will be decorated on Saturday afternoon by  Mrs. Hiroko Seki, Terakoya mothers and Zendeko volunteers.  If you have some free time, please call Rev. Kojima or Rev. Toho at (213) 624-8658 to find out what time you should be at the temple to help.  All helping hands will be greatly appreciated.



Sunday,  April 8, 2012 from 8:30am to 10:30am.   Spirited by Chair-person Brian and Christine Kimura, we encourage all the young members to bring their griddles and spatula and lend a hand.  Last year we had many people making the pancakes and time just flew by.   We are looking forward to the ‘helpers’ as well as the ‘eaters’!     Tickets are available in the church office.   

Donation: $6.00.  


The White Elephant Needs Items


We are requesting ANY items (except used clothing) for the 2012 Obon Carnival’s White Elephant booth.  Mrs. Soo Hoo will be in charge of collecting the goods, so please bring the items to the temple and we’ll be glad to accept anything you’re gathering from Spring Cleaning.  Your support of the temple and its fundraising events are most appreciated!


Zenshuji 90th Anniversary - Sep. 8th & 9th, 2012

禅宗寺創立九十周年記念式典 九月八・九日




Butsuren Hanamatsuri will be also held on April 8th at JACCC. The service starts at 1pm followed by a lecture and a performance. Please see the flyers for more info.