We are excited to announce that our long awaited Zenshuji Sutra books have finally arrived! Sokan Daigaku Rumme, who initiated this project 2 ½ years ago, felt a need to publish our very own book filled with sutras typically chanted here at Zenshuji during memorial/Sunday service and daily service and includes the meal verses as well as other significant Mahayanan sutras. The sutras are written in English, Roma-ji and Japanese. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the committee members, our sutra book project has finally come to fruition. It was a labor of love and commitment on the part of everyone involved. Thank you to Sokan Rumme, Kojima Sensei, Toho Sensei, Julie Iwamoto, Atsuko Kubota and Sunil Vernekar.
The books will be available for use in the Hondo and also for sale to individuals who would like their very own copy. They are hard bound and will sell for $25.00 each. For those who cannot pick up a copy from the Temple, we will be happy to sell by mail order. which will include a shipping fee of $5. Mail Order Form here.
- English side -
- Japanese side -
5 Thursday evenings
February 12th through March 12th, From 7:30 to 8:45 p.m
This class series provides an introduction to Zen meditation for
beginners. It is open to people of all faiths. The classes include a
presentation of the basic principles of Zen and zazen meditation,
and discussions of how to practice Zen in daily life – while at work
and at leisure. Each class includes zazen meditation, beginning with 10 minutes during the first class, and working up to 30 minutes at the end of the series. Each class also includes walking meditation. Cost: $70 for the series ($35 for temple members). Register by calling Zenshuji (213) 617-0100 or by email to webmaster@zenshuji.org. Include your name and contact information. Payment may be made at the first class. Scholarships are also available. No one is turned away for lack of funds.
SETSUBUNE - Bean throwing ceremony
To celebrate the last day of the lunar year, we will have the festive ceremony of 'bean throwing' (mamemaki) at 1:30pm on February 1st. The dried roasted soy beans are thrown to bring in good fortune and drive away evil spirits. Everyone yells, "Fukuwauchi, oniwasoto!" Translated: In with good luck; away with demons. People born under the zodiac sign of the year (12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, etc, year old) are selected as bean throwers and the crowd of people try to catch the thrown beans which are said to bring good fortune. Please come and join us. If you were born in the year of Sheep and would like to be a bean thrower on stage, wearing Kamishimo (Japanese traditional costume), please fax this form below to the temple at (213)624-8650.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to extend our greeting for the 2015 New Year! We appreciate the trust, confidence, and support you have given us to be your leaders for the Temple. We try our best to continue spreading the teachings of Buddha and the Japanese Culture.
We look forward to the leadership of the young senior members for the upcoming year. As we watch our older senior members getting smaller in size, it is up to the next group of seniors to take over. As they say, it takes a village to build a support system, and we need the people to step up. If we work together, the job will get done quicker and in faster time. It is YOU, the congregation, the members, the families and friends that makes it a wonderful spiritual place for all our activities.
We look forward to your participation and energy to have a great 2015! May the 2015 Year be filled with good health, much happiness, great prosperity and wonderful memories!
Carolyn Abe Hashiba
Board of Directors Chairperson